Note: The Iowa Core Essential Elements are intended only for students with significant cognitive disabilities and who participate in alternate assessments.

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Reading Standards for Literature

Key Ideas and Details

  1. Identify words in the text to answer a question about explicit information. (EE.RL.5.1)
  2. Identify the central idea or theme of a story, drama or poem. (EE.RL.5.2)
  3. Compare two characters in a familiar story. (EE.RL.5.3)

Craft and Structure

  1. Determine the intended meaning of multi-meaning words in a text. (EE.RL.5.4)
  2. Identify a story element that undergoes change from beginning to end. (EE.RL.5.5)
  3. Determine the point of view of the narrator. (EE.RL.5.6)

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

  1. Identify illustrations, tactual or multimedia elements that add to understanding of a text. (EE.RL.5.7)
  2. (Not applicable to literature) (EE.RL.5.8)
  3. Compare stories, myths, or texts with similar topics or themes. (EE.RL.5.9)

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

  1. Demonstrate understanding of text while engaged in individual or group reading of stories, dramas, and poems. (EE.RL.5.10)
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Reading Standards for Informational Text

Key Ideas and Details

  1. Identify words in the text to answer a question about explicit information. (EE.RI.5.1)
  2. Identify the main idea of a text when it is not explicitly stated. (EE.RI.5.2)
  3. Compare two individuals, events, or ideas in a text. (EE.RI.5.3)

Craft and Structure

  1. Determine the meanings of domain-specific words and phrases. (EE.RI.5.4)
  2. Determine if a text tells about events, gives directions, or provides information on a topic. (EE.RI.5.5)
  3. Compare two books on the same topic. (EE.RI.5.6)

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

  1. Locate information in print or digital sources. (EE.RI.5.7)
  2. Identify the relationship between a specific point and supporting reasons in an informational text. (EE.RI.5.8)
  3. Compare and contrast details gained from two texts on the same topic. (EE.RI.5.9)

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

  1. Demonstrate understanding of text while actively engaged in shared reading of history/social studies, science, and technical texts. (EE.RI.5.10)
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Reading Standards: Foundational Skills

Phonics and Word Recognition

  1. Use letter-sound knowledge to read words.
    1. Read common sight words and decode single syllable words. (EE.RF.5.3)


  1. Read words in text.
    1. Read text comprised of familiar words with accuracy and understanding.
    2. Not applicable.
    3. Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition when reading. (EE.RF.5.4)
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Writing Standards

Text Types and Purposes

  1. Write opinions about topics or text.
    1. Introduce a topic or text and state an opinion about it.
    2. Provide reasons to support the opinion.
    3. Not applicable.
    4. Not applicable. (EE.W.5.1)
  2. Write to share information supported by details.
    1. Introduce a topic and write to convey information about it including visual, tactual, or multimedia information as appropriate.
    2. Provide facts, details, or other information related to the topic.
    3. Not applicable.
    4. Not applicable.
    5. Not applicable. (EE.W.5.2)
  3. Write about events or personal experiences.
    1. Write about an experience or event including three or more events in sequence.
    2. Not applicable.
    3. Not applicable.
    4. Not applicable.
    5. Not applicable. (EE.W.5.3)

Production and Distribution of Writing

  1. Produce writing that is appropriate for an explicitly stated task or purpose. (EE.W.5.4)
  2. With guidance and support from adults and peers, plan before writing and revise own writing. (EE.W.5.5)
  3. With guidance and support from adults, use technology, including the Internet, to produce writing while interacting and collaborating with others. (EE.W.5.6)

Research to Build and Present Knowledge

  1. Conduct short research projects using two or more sources. (EE.W.5.7)
  2. Gather and sort relevant information on a topic from print or digital sources into given categories. (EE.W.5.8)
  3. Use information from literary and informational text to support writing.
    1. Apply Essential Elements of Grade 5 Reading Standards to literature (e.g., “Compare and contrast two characters in the story.”).
    2. Apply Essential Elements of Grade 5 Reading Standards to informational texts (e.g., “Use specific reasons and evidence for supporting specific points in an informational text.”). (EE.W.5.9)

Range of Writing

  1. Write routinely for a variety of tasks, purposes, and audiences. (EE.W.5.10)
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Speaking and Listening Standards

Comprehension and Collaboration

  1. Engage in collaborative discussions.
    1. Come to discussion prepared to share information.
    2. Carry out assigned role in a discussion.
    3. Ask questions related to information in a discussion.
    4. Make comments that contribute to the discussion and link to the remarks of others. (EE.SL.5.1)
  2. Identify the explicitly stated main idea of a text presented orally or through other media. (EE.SL.5.2)
  3. Identify the reasons and evidence supporting a specific point. (EE.SL.5.3)

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

  1. Report on a familiar topic or text or present an opinion including related facts. (EE.SL.5.4)
  2. Select or create audio recordings and visual/tactile displays to enhance a presentation. (EE.SL.5.5)
  3. Differentiate between contexts that require formal and informal communication. (EE.SL.5.6)
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Language Standards

Conventions of Standard English

  1. Demonstrate standard English grammar and usage when communicating.
    1. Not applicable.
    2. Form and use the past tense of frequently occurring irregular verbs (e.g., went, sat, ate, told).
    3. Not applicable.
    4. Not applicable.
    5. Use frequently occurring conjunctions: and, but, or, for, because. (EE.L.5.1)
  2. Demonstrate understanding of conventions of standard English.
    1. Not applicable.
    2. Not applicable.
    3. Not applicable.
    4. Not applicable.
    5. Spell untaught word phonetically, drawing on letter-sound relationships and common spelling patterns. (EE.L.5.2)

Knowledge of Language

  1. Use language to achieve desired meaning when communicating.
    1. Communicate using complete sentences when asked.
    2. Not applicable. (EE.L.5.3)

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of word meanings.
    1. Use sentence level context to determine which word is missing from a content area text.
    2. Use frequently occurring root words (e.g., talk) and the words that result when word endings are added (e.g., talked, talking, talks).
    3. Not applicable. (EE.L.5.4)
  2. Demonstrate understanding of word relationship and use.
    1. Use simple, common idioms (e.g., You bet!, It’s a deal., We’re cool.).
    2. Not applicable.
    3. Demonstrate understanding of words that have similar meanings. (EE.L.5.5)
  3. Use words acquired through conversations, being read to, and during shared reading activities including domain-specific words. (EE.L.5.6)
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