Academic Standards Academic Standards Student Assessment Types of student assessments, accountability, and opt-out procedures. Academic Standards Mathematics Mathematics Standards Iowa Core Mathematics includes recommendations for curriculum, instruction, and assessment, and standards for mathematical content and mathematical practices. Academic Standards Science Standards The Iowa Core Science Standards ensure that all students are scientifically-literate, global citizens who are prepared for college or career success. Academic Standards Literacy Standards The Iowa Literacy Standards ensure that all students are college and career ready in literacy no later than the end of high school. Academic Standards Social Studies Standards The Iowa Social Studies Standards, grades K-high school. Academic Standards 21st Century Skills Within this 21st century skill framework are communication, information, and technology; and, life and career skills. Academic Standards Universal Constructs: Essential for 21st Century Success Universal constructs are the competencies and habits of mind needed for future successes in careers, college and citizenry. RSS Feed
Academic Standards Student Assessment Types of student assessments, accountability, and opt-out procedures.
Academic Standards Mathematics Mathematics Standards Iowa Core Mathematics includes recommendations for curriculum, instruction, and assessment, and standards for mathematical content and mathematical practices.
Academic Standards Science Standards The Iowa Core Science Standards ensure that all students are scientifically-literate, global citizens who are prepared for college or career success.
Academic Standards Literacy Standards The Iowa Literacy Standards ensure that all students are college and career ready in literacy no later than the end of high school.
Academic Standards 21st Century Skills Within this 21st century skill framework are communication, information, and technology; and, life and career skills.
Academic Standards Universal Constructs: Essential for 21st Century Success Universal constructs are the competencies and habits of mind needed for future successes in careers, college and citizenry.