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In first grade, students will explore the culture of their own communities by examining leadership in their community, the role goods and services play in a community, and the history of diverse cultures over time.
Back to topInquiry Anchor Standard
Constructing Compelling Questions
SS.1.1. Explain why a compelling question is important.
Constructing Supporting Questions
SS.1.2. Generate supporting questions across the social studies disciplines related to compelling questions.
Gathering and Evaluating Sources
SS.1.3. Determine if a source is primary or secondary and distinguish whether it is mostly fact or opinion.
Communicating and Critiquing Conclusions
SS.1.4. Construct responses to compelling questions using examples.
Taking Informed Action
SS.1.5. Take group or individual action to help address local, regional, and/or global problems.
SS.1.6. Use deliberative and democratic procedures to make decisions about and act on civic problems in their classrooms.
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Behavioral Science
Recognize the Interaction Between the Individual and Various Groups
SS.1.7. Investigate how social identities can influence students’ own and others’ thoughts and behaviors.
Examine Factors that Led to Continuity and Change on Human Development and Behavior
SS.1.8. Identify students’ own cultural practices and those of others within the community and around the world.
Apply Civic Virtues and Democratic Principals
SS.1.9. Describe a situation that exemplifies democratic principles including, but not limited to, equality, freedom, liberty, respect for individual rights, and deliberation.
Interpret Processes, Rules and Laws
SS.1.10. Compare and contrast rules or laws within different communities and cultures.
Engage in Economic Decision Making
SS.1.11. Compare the goods and services that people in the local community produce with those that are produced in other communities.
Assess the Global Economy
SS.1.12. Explain why people in one country trade goods and services with people in other countries.
Financial Literacy
Develop Financial and Career Goals
SS.1.13. Explain why people have different jobs in the community.
Analyze Credit and Debt Levels
SS.1.14. Explain why something borrowed must be returned.
Evaluate Savings and Long Term Investments
SS.1.15. Describe the role of financial institutions in the community in order to save and invest.
Create Geographic Representations
SS.1.16. Using maps, globes, and other simple geographic models, compare and contrast routes for people or goods that consider environmental characteristics.
Evaluate Human Environment Interaction
SS.1.17. Describe how environmental characteristics and cultural characteristics impact each other in different regions of the U.S.
Analyze Human Population Movement and Patterns
SS.1.18. Use a map to detail the journey of particular people, goods, or ideas as they move from place to place.
SS.1.19. Compare how people in different types of communities use goods from local and distant places to meet their daily needs.
Analyze Change, Continuity, and Context
SS.1.20. Create a chronological sequence of multiple related events in the past and present using specific times.
SS.1.21. Compare life in the past to life today within different communities and cultural groups, including indigenous communities.
Critique Historical Sources and Evidence
SS.1.22. Given context clues, develop a reasonable idea about who created a primary or secondary source, when they created it, where they created it, and why they created it.
Iowa History
SS.1.23. Describe the diverse cultural makeup of Iowa’s past and present in the local community, including indigenous and agricultural communities.
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