What should you expect at the Teaching for Impact training June 13-14? Lots of tools to add to your best practices. Registration is under way for the training.

One of the keynote speakers is Jennifer Wolfsheimer, a senior program associate specializing in evaluating special education data and building capacity of state educational agency staff to evaluate data. She also has expertise in dispute resolution, general supervision, and differentiated monitoring and supports under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Wolfsheimer leverages legal training and experience interpreting requirements for students with disabilities to support implementation of statutes, regulations, and best practices that are IDEA-compliant and to support states in improving outcomes for students with disabilities.

We asked Wolfsheimer what we should expect from her presentation.

What will be the focus of your presentation?
The focus of the presentation will be how accommodations and low expectations have intersected in my life as a student, parent of a child with a disability, and as a woman with a disability. The stories that I tell focus on themes of resilience, consideration, the power of inclusion and how everyone can impact change.

What are some key messages you will deliver?
A couple of key messages I deliver include:

  • Setting high expectations for students with disabilities.
  • Why and when Individualized Education Program Teams should include a student with a disability in their IEP Team meeting.

What will participants walk away with?
Participants will come away from the presentation with:

  • An action checklist.
  • Up-to-date data around employment for people with disabilities.
  • Knowledge that every action can have a ripple effect.