There are many high-profile experts across the various strands who will be presenting at the June 13-14 Teaching for Impact training at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines.

Registration is under way for the training, which is designed to help educators to develop and expand knowledge and skills related to the education of learners with disabilities from birth to age 21.

The Teaching for Impact training will emphasize integrating information into practice across a variety of educational settings in these content areas: college and career readiness, mathematics, literacy, early childhood, leadership and positive learning environments.

Educators and providers from early childhood to high school, school administrators, AEA professionals and higher education faculty supporting pre-service educators and providers will all benefit from the training.

The training is co-sponsored by the Iowa Department of Education and the Iowa Area Education Agencies.

Here is a list of just some of the expert trainers and the content areas they are addressing:

College & Career Ready

Stephanie Malia Krauss. Today's world is uniquely challenging for students, especially those with special needs. Attendees will learn what students need to be ready and well in a changing and challenging world, and what practices educators can use to help them get there. Krauss is a trained educator, social worker, author and a leading voice on what young people need to be ready and well in a rapidly changing world.

Mark Perna. Join dynamic performance expert Mark C. Perna as he unveils the groundbreaking innovations for working with today’s younger generations. Educators, employers, parents, and community leaders will benefit from these proven strategies to bridge the generational divide, engage and retain young people, and equip them with a powerful competitive advantage. Recharge your passion for making a difference and start motivating young people like never before!

Early Childhood

Janice Fialka. Fialka is a nationally recognized speaker, author, advocate, social worker and compelling storyteller on issues dealing with disability justice, family-professional partnerships, inclusion, Circles of Support and raising a child with disabilities. Janice will explore the challenges and joys of cultivating partnerships among families, students and professionals.

Adam Holland. Learn to approach challenging behavior by developing an understanding of children’s motivation. With stories and examples from his own time in the classroom, Holland will illustrate practical ways to set up a classroom in order to reduce or eliminate challenging behavior and provide strategies for how to handle it when it does pop up.


Mya Baker. Baker leads The New Teacher Project’s consulting work in the Midwest, with a focus on helping educators, schools and school systems expand access to opportunity.

Rachel Roberts. As director of The New Teacher Project, Roberts leads work in the Midwest focused on building and implementing multi-tiered support systems, special education systems development and leader training, school and district training and development around academics and systems alignment and supports work in a variety of academic areas.

Together Baker & Roberts will be presenting sessions where participants will gain knowledge of the Strong Literacy Instruction for all and begin to identify and plan for a key lever that will increase literacy access for their students.

Emily Hayden. Hayden is a literacy specialist for the Strategic Education Research Partnership and former associate professor in literacy at Iowa State University. She will be conducting a 2-part training that focuses on designing read-alouds and dialogic discussion to simultaneously meet literacy standards and Individualized Education Program goals in K-3 classrooms.

Positive Learning Environments

Mary Louise Hemmeter. Hemmeter is a professor of special education at Vanderbilt University and holds the Nicholas Hobbs Chair of Special Education and Human Development. Her research focuses on effective instruction, supporting development, addressing challenging behavior, and coaching teachers. This session will give participants information about ongoing development and research efforts to support implementation of the Pyramid Model in Kindergarten classrooms.

Lori Desautels. Behaviors are only signals or indicators that the brain and body are struggling in survival states of functioning. In this session, the audience will explore how to get out in front of the behavior through our procedures, routines, and transitions. Desautels has been an assistant professor at Butler University since 2016 where she teaches both undergraduate and graduate programs in the College of Education.

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